To play guitar, one should have knowledge of basic guitar chords. Guitar chords are something basic to playing guitar. Every guitar chord has two notes as a minimum. In a guitar chord, two notes are played collectively to produce a sound in harmony. Chords are like fundamental blocks of playing guitar. Basic guitar chords songs are songs that can be played easily on guitar. These songs are playable. These songs are great for beginners. Every basic guitar chords songs is popular and classic, mostly. Classic songs are often the best choice for playing on guitar. The guitar tab is also useful for beginners. Basic guitar songs with chords diagram make it easier for beginners. Reading the guitar tab is also important. If you want to learn to play guitar, you should practice guitar chords for 10 minutes a day. For learning guitar chords, switching between 2 chords is a skill that you should have. Moving into a chord at the right time is essential. The rhythm and strumming pattern are important factors. Guitar chords also have a diagram just like there are diagrams for guitar tabs. There are different types of guitar chords. There are chord combinations and chord progressions that have to be learned to play guitar. The most difficult chord of all is the barre chords.

Easy Playable Guitar Tabs for Beginners

Easy Playable Guitar Tabs for Beginners

Smoke on the Water

This song is certainly the most famous and basic guitar chords songs and guitar tab for beginners. It is sung by Deep Purple. It is easy and playable. It is mostly the very first guitar song that beginners start learning to play. The main part of learning to play this song is the power chords. When you learn these power chords, it would be easy for you to play other basic guitar chords songs. This guitar tab is the easiest to learn.

Stairway to Heaven

This is a classic guitar tab. It is one of the best songs written in time. This guitar tab can look quite tricky at first. If you are a beginner, it might look not good to start with. But once you start learning, it becomes easier. This guitar tab will make your finger picking on the guitar the entire better.


Blackbird is a great song for playing guitar. This song should be learned by every beginner to play guitar. This guitar chord song has a finger style pattern. By playing this guitar sing, you will learn how to play multifaceted melodies and keep a stable rhythm. The song can look tough, to begin with. But it is playable. When you have learned it fully, you will be able to reach higher in guitar playing.

Summer of ‘69

This song is sung by artist Bryan Adams. It has an arpeggiated pattern. It is in the chorus of it. The last part has power chords and a strumming pattern. There are barre chords in this guitar chord song.

Come Together

‘Come Together’ is a song written by The Beatles. This song has pentatonic scales. The last part of the song has pentatonic and blue scales songs. The song has power chords. There are more elements of guitar riffs in this song.


This is a song by Eric Clapton. This is an easy song that can be played on guitar. This song is a song from the rock genre. This is a popular song that was sung a lot in concerts. To learn to play this song, you need to learn about major-chord riffs.

Basket Case

This is a song sung by Green Day. Green Day is known for its pop-punk genre. It was an absolute sign of hope in the midst of the dark times of the ‘90s. To play this song on guitar, you need to have power-chord riffage skills. The chord sequence is easy to play. If you like punk rock, this song is something that you can play. It is a classic song.

When Is The Best Time To Play Guitar Songs For Beginners?

Play Guitar Songs For Beginners

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For beginners, the best time to play guitar songs is the daytime. In the daytime, there is more energy and precision psychologically. For playing guitar when you have other tasks like household chores to be done, the most important thing is planning. You have to plan out things and schedule time for playing guitar as well as performing other tasks that you have. When we are high on energy, it might not be good to play guitar as it can do more harm than good.

You should have a regular schedule for practicing guitar. This will lead to regularity. When we practice and perform anything at the same time every day, it leads to better results. There is a greater possibility to experience flow states. Flow is a state in which we enjoy doing something and forget about time. It leads to engagement.

But it might not be possible to be consistent all the time. So, you can always experiment. While practicing guitar, it is always good to do multiple smaller practices instead of one big practice. It will help you memorize new music.

Read Also: The Beginners Guide To Playing Blues Guitar

The Easiest Way to Play Guitar Chords for Your Song

There are the following types of chords that are suitable for beginners:

Power Chords

Power Chords

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Power chords are the easiest chords to start with guitar playing. These chords focus on two or three strings and frets. It becomes easy for beginners to play these chords with their fingers. These guitar chords are more suitable for electric guitars. With power chords, you can set the mood of the song. In these chords, there are less frets and strings.

Open Chords

Open Chords

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In open chords, you use less frets and fingers to play the guitar. In these guitar chords, you use all the fingers. Open chords are CAGED chords. The characteristics of open chords are similar to power chords. Tuning the guitar is important before playing open chords.

Barre Chords

Barre Chords

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Barre chords are quite different from power and open chords. These guitar chords are also technical to play. But when you become better at guitar playing, you can play these chords. It becomes easier to switch between. In these guitar chords, one or two fingers are placed on a single fret.

Unlock the Power of Basic Guitar Chords to Play Any Song

Basic Guitar Chords to Play Any Song

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If you learn basic guitar chords, you can play any song. Guitar chords are like the core of playing guitar. The main elements to keep in mind while playing guitar chords are finger placement and holding a note. When you are capable of placing your finger properly on the guitar and holding a note- you are geared up to play guitar. Some guitar chords need strumming while some do not. Progression of chords is used in many songs. When you play a group of chords in line, it is called a chord progression. Chord progression makes all the difference in the song being played on guitar.

By Bhawna